Saturday, August 15, 2009

Time for a new challenge..

I have recently been lamenting the cost of groceries and items we need at BJ's and Sean and I have decided to raise my weekly allowance for groceries to $100.00. The exciting thing about this is that when the time comes to go to BJ's, I never have enough left over from groceries to accomodate for anything which means we either pull the money out of savings or (eek!) use our credit card. Enough. So, this is the first week that I will be getting my raise and I want to save 20.00 from that amount. I am getting much better about saving at the grocery store and making things s-t-r-e-t-c-h. Well, now we can actually get a pizza every once in a while or I can just go into BJ's and take it from my stash. Now that I am on this savings kick, I am establishing a short-term goal and a mid-term goal and a long-term goal. So, here they are: SHORT: Spend $80.00 on groceries this week and saving that extra $20.00. MID-TERM: Pay off one credit card by the end of this year. LONG-TERM: Buy a house. All noteworthy goals and I will let you know how I am doing!!!

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