Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No more...

This journey with money has been fascinating to me of late. The Lord has given me victory and He is growing me every single day. I cannot keep piling on more debt on my family's shoulders. If I am the CEO of this family, then I need to act like it. I have not put anything on the credit cards in about two weeks and that feels like a lifetime to me. We don't have any oranges, we only have one roll of paper towels left and it will be a miracle if I make it to Friday with this amount of diapers left. But, I cannot put all this STUFF on the credit cards. I see the toll it is taking on Sean, it is robbing him of sleep and me peace of mind. No more.... Now may I just have the consistency to stick with this. I make these grand declarations and sometimes within a week I am back to my old ways. Lord, today give me the strength and the fortitude to stick with our plan. To not be a slave to the lender but to your ways and your love. Thank you for growing me up.

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